Mid life existential crisis
We as humans are naturally bound to face changing emotions and feelings based on the situations we face. These were nothing but distress signals that ensured our survival in the distant past of the humans when survival was our only goal, and the rest were of concern. But hey, all these emotions you feel today is the trade off that we made in exchange for all these modern utopia , that is gradually turning into chaos. It is very rare that young kids feel any sort of complex emotions, given the fact that they merely try to do what they are told. It is only when people grow that puberty hits them hard, with them starting to feel complex and mind boggling emotions that are quite hard to express.
It is quite obvious that by now you would've come across a poster quoting a Bruce lee saying " you've to master your feelings", man if all the people had the capacity to do so it will be just another boring world with not much to do but wait for our inevitable death in the foreseen future. The current society is full of stereotypes and we are forced into situations that we never intended to be a part of. At some point of time people have this question, "What am I doing with my life ". It is natural that of all the people in the world , a typical Indian teen will always find himself in the other side of this question. The only rational decision is to plan, ngl ,This does sound off script and pointless but by you having one ultimate goal and working your way to it will work.
Say for example the only goal for a person X is to become a good father. In such a scenario he must bear a child with one or the other means , but the main factor to be a good parent is the ability to "Provide", as any another parent would do and not have to put your child through another existential crisis that you have to go through for the sake of a society that is made of glitter and rice, all glitter and sparkle that could be of value(rice) had it not been for all that pompous self boast and stereotypes. If at all you find yourself in such a situation where you question you existence, juts blame the society for no good reason even tough it is you who is to blame for your dumb decisions and a scripted view of life. Accept the fact that you went wrong and try to re-forge it , and mind not to tell people about this, it is for them to taste their cup of wine the way they like it and not for you to rid them of their experience. Hope this will not be a last to many firsts !!! make love not war , this is something I wanted to talk about "Is War a necessary evil" , maybe in the next blog!!!
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